Membership Myth Busters

Myth #1:  Only moms and teachers need to join PTA

 A strong, vibrant PTA needs the support of moms and dads, step-parents, aunts and uncles, teachers and school staff, community members and business leaders.  Anyone who cares about children belongs in PTA.  It is important that we all have a voice in the decision-making process relating to the laws and regulations - whether in schools or government - that affect children. 

Myth #2: Joining PTA means I have to volunteer  

You do not have to volunteer to be a member of PTA!  PTA appreciates everyone's membership, whether or not a member volunteers, because each member increases PTA's ability to advocate for children. 

Myth #3: PTA membership never expires - I only have to join once

Each new school year begins a new PTA membership year.  Membership cards are issued to each member who joins PTA as soon as dues are paid. Membership cards are for an annual membership and will remain valid until July 31st of the year indicated on the card. 

Myth #4: Those PTA moms know each other really well and are just a big clique

This is not the MTA (Moms & Teacher's Association).  The majority of the active PTA members (Moms, Dads, Grandparents and Guardians) do know each other as a result of working together on various PTA projects, but the executive board is dedicated to making sure our group is friendly and welcoming.  Again, not guilt or pressure, all are welcome!  

Myth #5:  My child's life will be the same whether I join the PTA or not

Not only does membership put you in direct communication with other parents and teachers, but it shows your child that you are interested and invested in their educational experience. 

Myth #6: My participation will not make a difference

This is probably the biggest myth of all.  We want and need your help and participation!  We have board and committee positions that need to be filled and we need volunteers to help at all events.  If you choose to volunteer, you decide your time commitment.  And new ideas are always welcome - it's an important way to keep our PTA fresh and exciting.  All levels of participation are welcome and needed!